Course content

During this workshop Physiotherapist & Pilates Teacher Mary Thornton shares her 25 + years of clinical experience of treating Women with Pelvic dysfunction while combining Pilates & Yoga to provide a holistic approach to Female Pelvic Health. The course is a combination of pre recorded material, PDF's & quiz's that enable you to study at your own pace. The content will explore the functional anatomy of the pelvis & surrounding structures as well as common pathologies that all influence pelvic function. You will then have the opportunity to learn & practice exercises that restore movement patterns and fascial function that you can use with clients suffering from these conditions. The outcome of this course is that the teacher will have a deeper understanding of pelvic dysfunction and gain tools to help restore pelvic function. On completion of the course you will gain 10 NPCP / CIMSPA CPD points.

    1. Course content

    2. Welcome!

    3. Equipment you may need

    4. Course booklet

    1. Anatomy

    2. Locating/ Activating the pelvic floor

    3. Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Assessment PDF

    4. The Emotional Pelvis

    5. Pelvic assessment - How does it function

    6. Breathwork

    7. The Breath - Synchronising the breath with the pelvic floor

    8. Exercises - Step 1

    9. Postural sets - live zoom session

    10. Dynamic release - live zoom session

    11. Quiz - session 1

    1. Exercises - Step 2

    2. Prolapse

    3. Pelvic pain

    4. Incontience

    5. Hypermobile Pelvis

    6. Stabilising movements - Live zoom session

    7. Quiz - session 2

    1. Exercises - Step 3

    2. Movement practice - Begin to stand

    3. Hormones & transitions

    4. Bladder training

    5. Bowel habits

    6. Menopause

    7. Diet

    8. Quiz - Session 3

    1. Exercises - Step 4 - Dynamic movement patterns

    2. Dynamic movements - live zoom session

    3. Quiz - Session 4

    1. Red flags

    2. Medication & supplements

    3. Quiz - Red Flags

Giving you tools & knowledge to empower your client to reconnect to their pelvic floor again!

  • £350.00
  • 55 lessons
  • 10 hours of pre recorded videos
  • PDF's to download
  • 10 NPCP / CIMSPA CPD points

Develop your knowledge & skill set to confidently help your clients with pelvic dysfunction